Saturday, May 17, 1919

Cloudy cool.  Rainy in morning.  Moving up day scraps 6:45-7: A.M.  Chapel exercises at 9. Sorted eggs.  To Sch'dy Co. S.S. Conv. Supper.  To Proctors with H.H., Norris & Finch. Bowled at star.  To bed 12:30 A.M.

Moving up day is a long tradition at Union as well as other colleges that refers to the ceremonies at the end of the school year in which each college class moves up to the next class--Freshman to Sophomore, e.g.  The seniors are moving up to graduation, of course, and they are given special treatment at these ceremonies.  Below is a news article I found in the NY Times that explains the event as it occurred at Union College in 1912:

Proctor's is the name of a theatre in Schenectady built in 1912 by Frederick Freeman Proctor, a vaudeville empresario.  Here is a bit of information about the man and his theatre from the Images of America: Schenectady, p. 120:
F.F. Proctor left the world of performing to build quality theaters for vaudeville.  His first theater in Schenectady was built in 1912 off the Erie Canal. His new palace of vaudeville opened on Christmas Day of 1926.  
So it looks like Stanford went to see vaudeville shows from time to time.  Later the theater became a movie theater. Learn more about the man from this Wikipedia article: Proctor.  I think it's interesting that he was born in Dexter, Maine, where many of my family have lived over the years.

I'm not sure yet who Finch and Norris are, but I will research them at a later date, as I'm sure they'll reappear in the record.

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