Monday, March 17, 1919

St. Patricks Day. Mild. Bright. Wet. To college 9 to 2 P.M. Beginning 3rd term. Marks: FRENCH 1st GEOLOGY 2nd; Latin 3rd. Greek 3rd. English N.S. Bowled at Morse & Star. 9-10 P.M. meeting of College Y.M.C.A. members. Pie and ice cream. To bed 12 P.M.

Here is a painting entitled St. Patrick's Day 1919, by Frederick Childe Hassam, an American Impressionist painter. One of his paintings hangs in the Oval Office. He lived in the New York area. You can see that Stanford's description of "wet" is accurate. Also, in Illinois there was a record amount of rainfall that day, according to historical weather reports. The painting can be seen on several websites.

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